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Budget & Finance

Orono Schools is committed to demonstrating fiscal stewardship and accountability through responsible planning and use of resources. We are also committed to transparency through our archive of financial reports. Audited financial records show that the district, on average, controls actual costs to within two percent each year compared to the budget that the School Board approves. The public is invited to review financial reports, below.

The public may also review the Minnesota Department of Education Report Card for Orono Schools. The Report Card is designed to provide parents/guardians, educators, schools, districts, and citizens with easy access to district and school information, test results, demographic information, and other critical data in a centralized location.

Financial Reports


Nick Taintor, CPA
Director of Business Services
685 Old Crystal Bay Rd N
Long Lake, MN  55356

phone: 952.449.8306 
fax: 952.449.8399

Department email

Accounts Payable

Orono Schools ranks in the top 2% of all Minnesota school districts for its Moody's Aa2 long-term credit rating.