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Resident/In-District Enrollment

Steps in the Resident Enrollment Process

Is your home within the Orono Schools district boundaries?* If yes, then you will complete the resident enrollment process. Here are the steps to get started no matter which grade your child will be entering:

  1. In Minnesota, children must be at least five years old by September 1 of the year they enroll to be eligible for Kindergarten.
  2. Please contact our enrollment office at to request instructions and a link to complete the online Address Verification Form (AVF). 
  3. The AVF includes a requirement to upload one address verification document (PDF, image, etc.):
  • a copy of your lease/rental agreement or
  • settlement statement from closing on the purchase of a home or 
  • a current utility bill that shows the parent/guardian name at the in-district address

After the district validates the AVF, you will receive additional information from school building staff to complete your child's registration (see below).

*We recommend you verify the assigned school district for any property address as rental or realty listings may be incorrect. Visit Hennepin County Property Information Search and enter the property address. If the home/apartment is within our boundaries, you will see School District 278 in the results.


Enrollment office

Resident/In-District Timeline

The district will hold a Prospective Student Open House in November 2024.

District Office (DO) mails packet and instructions to complete the online Address Verification Form (AVF) to resident families with a Kindergarten-eligible child. Families complete the form and upload a supporting address verification document. Students entering grades 1-12 should contact for instructions and a link to complete the online AVF. The enrollment office will validate all AVFs. 

Following AVF validation, school building staff will provide additional information, instructions and forms for families to complete the registration process.

Late August
Enrolled students will receive their teacher assignment via ParentVUE, bus information, Kindergarten Orientation information, and school supply list. Each school holds a back-to-school event to drop off supplies, meet teachers, find their locker, etc. That information will be communicated through the school buildings and on the district website. 

Grades 1-12 typically start school on the Tuesday after Labor Day with Kindergarten students beginning the Wednesday after Labor Day. However, start dates are subject to change. The school year summary calendar provides exact dates.

Completing your child's enrollment

The district will request additional documentation based on your family's needs. 

Birth certificate or passport

The district will make a copy of your child's birth certificate or passport. 

Immunization record

State law requires that all parents or guardians of students in Kindergarten through grade 12 provide written proof of their child’s immunization against the following diseases: DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis a.k.a. whooping cough); Polio, Varicella (chicken pox); MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella); HBV (Hepatitis B)

Children will not be allowed to attend school until a record of the month, day and year of each of the required immunizations have been provided. Families that object to immunizations must provide a notarized declination form. Please visit for all required immunization information. Questions regarding immunizations can also be directed to the district nurse at 952-449-8317.

Early Childhood Screening

All children in the state of Minnesota are required to complete an Early Childhood Screening prior to kindergarten enrollment. Early Childhood Screening is a free check of your child’s development including hearing, vision, communication skills, motor skills and social-emotional development. Documentation of an Early Childhood Screening, completed by our district or a different district, is required.

To schedule an Early Childhood Screening appointment, you can:

Email or
Call 952-746-5815 and leave a message with your name, email address, and your child’s name

Transcript from previous schools

Please provide a copy of transcript or grades from previous schools and test results, if available. If not available, please provide the name and address of the last school attended so we can request records.

Additional Documentation

Parents/guardians should also provide additional documentation, if applicable:

  • Custody order: If your legal guardianship is determined by a court order, please submit a copy.
  • Gifted evaluation: If you are requesting placement or an evaluation for an advanced course, please submit documentation (report cards and state test scores) for the program coordinator.
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan: If your student has an IEP or 504 Plan, providing a copy of the plan and Educational/Psychological Assessment Report will help us determine your student’s proper placement in a timely manner.
  • Legal name change: All student records need to show the student’s full legal name. If the student’s name has been legally changed, please provide a copy of the court document.
  • Order for Protection: If there is a current circumstance that we need to be aware of, please provide a copy of the legal document.


For more information about transportation by school bus, please contact Orono Schumann Elementary and Orono Intermediate School use the CarRiderPro system to efficiently move cars through the pick-up line at dismissal. Please contact Orono Schumann Elementary or Orono Intermediate School for details if you are new to the district.