Strategic Plan
Our highest aspiration
Orono Schools will inspire lifelong learners and ethical citizens who positively impact our world.
The unique purpose of our school district
Inspiring and empowering every student to achieve their highest potential through exceptional experiences.
Strategic Goals
Desirable end results for students, staff, and the community
Through personalized and rigorous learning across all disciplines, we will ensure all students possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to thrive in any post‑secondary experience and achieve their life goals.
We will instill in every child a strong foundation of ethical decision making, responsibility, and integrity, nurturing them to become caring and trustworthy individuals who contribute to their communities.
We will foster a connected learning community in which empathy, belonging, and strong relationships are cultivated to empower students and staff.
The fundamental convictions of our school district
Strive for the highest quality in everything we do through commitment to continuous improvement.
Develop the grit to meet challenges with courage, perseverance, and determination.
Build healthy connections of trust, respect, care, and understanding in our learning community.
Embrace unique needs, backgrounds, ideas, and talents.
Global Perspective
Inspire learners to be engaged and adaptive citizens in our interconnected world.
Demonstrate accountability through ethical management of finances, facilities, and human resources.
Create connections and support where all individuals grow, thrive, and positively contribute to our collective well-being.
Profile of an Orono Graduate
A graduate of Orono Schools is the embodiment of our Strategic Goals, with demonstrated strengths in academics, character and relationships.
- Motivated, lifelong learner
- Scholar of rigorous academic content
- Flexible, critical thinker
- Creative problem solver
- Designer of innovative solutions
- Effective oral and written communicator
- Curious and confident learner
- Ethical decision maker
- Empathetic and caring
- Resilient and persistent
- Trustworthy
- Self-aware
- Self-managing and responsible
- Civic-minded citizen
- Humble
- Kind and connected
- Collaborative team-player
- Adaptive problem solver
- Respectful and encouraging of others
- Culturally competent
- Socially aware
- Leader and consensus-builder
- Effective conflict manager