Orono Challenge (3-5)
The district provides gifted and talented services for students who demonstrate the need to accelerate their learning. Orono Challenge Specialists work in conjunction with classroom teachers to provide a continuum of services. Programming in grades 3-5 is provided through small group clustering and engagement through push‑in (classroom-based) and pull-out (individual or small group) experiences.
At Orono Intermediate School (OIS), these services include:
- Classroom clustering of students with similar learning needs (3-5)
- Supported differentiation of instruction in classrooms
- Full-year pullout program to supplement math and/or language arts (3-5)
- Accelerated sections in math (4-5)
- Grade and subject acceleration, if appropriate
- Facilitation of mentorship opportunities
Challenge Specialists collaborate with classroom teachers to support differentiated instruction.
Process to Assess and Identify Students for participation in Challenge Services
Guidelines for Placement
The Orono School District identifies students requiring Challenge services via an ongoing, multidimensional screening process. Considerations include classroom performance on summative measures, standardized test data, teacher observations, and individual learning characteristics. These characteristics may be reported by teachers, parents, and/or the students themselves. Eligibility for services is evaluated in the context of national and local comparisons. This screening process allows for flexibility and responsiveness to student needs.
Advanced math sections: Explanation of assessment areas at OIS and grade 6 at OMS
- NWEA MAP Data: Standardized testing in the mathematics domain. The examination measures four sub-areas including Number and Operation, Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Data Analysis. This test is given twice per year.
- Problem Solving: Students periodically complete high level problem solving assessments. These multi-step exercises require analytical reasoning
- Out-of-Level Math Testing: Students may be given an out-of-level test to provide additional information about student curricular needs
- Classroom teacher input
Pull-out program criteria at OIS (3-5):
Students who qualify for Challenge pull-out programming typically achieve standardized test scores in the 97-99%iles in measured subject areas across multiple measures AND consistently over time. In any given year, participants may represent the top 2%-5% scorers within a grade level.
Enrichment Opportunities
All students:
- STEM Fair, Fine Arts Festival, Literary Showcase
- Community Education: World Language, Summer Enrichment, Creative/Critical Thinking Classes
Qualifying students:
- District #287 West Suburban Summer Program/GT services
- CML (Continental Math League)
- Math Masters
- Excellence Through Classics National Mythology Exam
Students Transferring from Other School Districts
Participation in a gifted/talented program in another school district does not necessarily qualify a student for challenge service in Orono. Orono provides a rigorous curriculum to meet the needs of our students. We evaluate new student's needs in the same way we evaluate the needs of all other Orono students. We review all relevant information forwarded from previous districts to aid in making placement decisions.
Angie Kalthoff
3-5 Challenge Teacher
Orono Intermediate School (3-5)
952-449-8338 ext. 6112
Jane Smith
Orono K-5 Challenge Coordinator
Schumann Elementary (K-2)
952-449-8338 ext. 6109