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Student Life

Make the Student Life page your first stop when you have questions about Orono Middle School.

Action Items

Day-to-Day Needs

Additional OMS Resources


800 N. Old Crystal Bay Road
Long Lake, MN 55356

NEW! Student Hours:
8:10 a.m.–2:50 p.m.

Main Office:
Hours: 7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Phone: 952-449-8450
Fax: 952-449-8453

Please submit attendance in ParentVUE. To download the ParentVUE app for Android, click here. To download the ParentVUE app for iPhone, click here. If you need assistance, please call 952-449-8461.

Health Office: 952-449-8461



torch graphic that says orono public schools

OMS Houses

The OMS building was carefully designed to provide a supportive environment for students at this developmental level. Grade-level Houses are designated on floors one and two with an “Up” and “Down” House for each grade. These smaller learning communities foster student camaraderie, teacher teaming, interdisciplinary activities, and a supportive environment for mastering curriculum in English, math, science and social studies.


Middle school students also benefit from involvement in athletics and enrichment activities outside the classroom. Through Orono Community Education, students participate in middle school sports, performing arts, academic tutoring and other positive experiences. They develop deep friendships and important life skills–like teamwork and time management–that often translate to stronger academic outcomes. 


Middle school is a period of great change. OMS has a full-time school counselor on staff in addition to a social worker, school psychologist and our Gifted & Talented Coordinator. The district is always ready to refer students and families to community-based supports, if needed. 

The eighth-grade Academic Planning course leads students through an interest inventory, budgeting and other life skills. A key component is a spring tour of Orono High School and a planning meeting with an OHS counselor to map a four-year academic plan with appropriate rigor. 

Leadership & Friendship

Opportunities to Stand Out

The WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) program is a leadership-development opportunity for eighth-graders who demonstrate sincerity, courteous behavior, accountability and strong ethics. WEB Leaders receive small-group training and host sixth-grade orientation in late summer. They work with incoming sixth-graders and new students enrolling at OMS. There are also opportunities to give school tours and become student mentors. 

Let’s Meet!

Peer relationships are so important during the middle years and OMS has many busy hubs around the building where students meet. The Media Center is always busy in the morning and kids eat together in the OMS cafeteria. Our Up and Down Houses each have a central square where teachers and students greet each other informally before class.