College & Career Planning
MaiaLearning helps students develop profiles, explore careers, and build college and career plans. It helps counselors manage student progress and keeps families involved. Visit the MaiaLearning webpage.
The College & Career Pathways webpage will help you explore post-secondary options including 2- and 4-year college, trades, a gap year, military service or full-time work.
Visit the Admissions Testing webpage to learn all you can about ACT, Pre-ACT, SAT and PSAT-NMSQT.
Check out the College Visits webpage for important information about OHS college representative visits, the College Fair, and strategies for making the most of in-person visits.
The College Admissions webpage provides resources to help you showcase your academic achievements through the admissions process. Includes resources for highly selective admissions and OHS acceptance statistics.
Visit the Paying for College webpage to learn more about this complex process that may involve grants, loans, scholarships, and personal funds.
Quick Links
- Course Catalog/Registration Guide
- Post-High-School Planning Guide
- MaiaLearning
- Transcripts
- OHS Profile
- Tutoring
- Spartan Hour
- Walk-in Counseling Hours
- College Visits Calendar
- Contact