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MaiaLearning promotes college and workplace readiness by integrating course, college and career planning to provide students with a framework to direct their own education, establish long and short-term goals, and plan for post-secondary success.

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What is MaiaLearning?

MaiaLearning is a K-12 college and career readiness platform that engages students in planning their futures. It lets them develop profiles, explore careers that fit those profiles, and build academic, college and career plans. It helps them manage college applications and build portfolios that will gain them admission. It helps counselors manage student progress, and keeps families involved in the process.


  • Engage in self-exploration to understand your career interests, work values, learning and productivity, personality and intelligences.


  • Opportunities to develop a Career Plan, including a Career Search option to create your Career List.


  • College Search: Enter criteria such as size, location, cost, availability of specific majors or athletic programs; students can then produce a list of colleges that meet their criteria.
  • College Lookup and Visits: Students can look up information on a specific college and view when college representatives will be visiting Orono High School. These visits can be viewed online by clicking on the "Universities" tab and then selecting "visits."
  • Scattergrams: A graphical view of application outcomes (accepted, denied, waitlisted) at a college for recent Orono applicants, using GPA and ACT or SAT scores. Students can gauge their chances of acceptance by comparing personal GPA/ACT numbers with those of successful applicants. If your student has not taken the ACT or SAT exam yet, it will take your student's PACT score and estimate what their ACT score will be in order to allow you to still use this feature.
  • Scholarships Search


  • Collect information on your goals and experiences to create a Resume. 


  • You will be able to request and then view when your transcripts  were sent to the colleges.

Letters of Recommendation

  • You will be able to request and then view when a letter of recommendation you requested from a teacher has been submitted.

Getting Started: Intro Videos