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Curriculum (K-2)

Laying the Foundation

The wonder of the world lies before our children as they take their first steps into elementary school. The staff at Schumann Elementary build curriculum and programs around the natural wonder of the students and creates an environment rich with hands-on educational activities and a solid foundation for future learning. We do so in a respectful environment as we create an excitement for lifelong learning.

Learning at the primary level is a time of discovery and growth. Our goal is to challenge each child to realize his or her potential. With your involvement, we can achieve this goal!

Every child is known! This fosters a sense of belonging and contributes to the positive child-teacher relationships so highly valued by district staff and parents. Dr. Adam Lamparske, Principal


Dr. Adam Lamparske

Dr. Aaron Ruhland
Executive Director of Learning & Accountability

Elementary Curriculum

The district honors parent choice. If you have a question about curriculum or assignments, please contact your child's classroom teacher.